London, United Kingdom
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Alf Kebbell is blind. He uses a cane, though in Elephant & Castle he does not need one to find his way around. He has been taking the same routes for 24 years, relying on specific landmarks.
This is an emotional journey experienced in a repetitive way by the real performer. I recreated the space Alf navigates through every day, portraying his landmarks at the moment of his passing by. Without them, Alf would be completely lost. |
Advertising board. Five more steps in a 45 degree diagonal line to the mailbox.
Cigarette shop. By the strong neon light Alf knows that he has arrived at the cigarette shop.
Dip in the pavement. There used to be a tree there. Alf feels the dip in he pavement and he knows exactly where he is.
Gate of the park. Walk along the fence of the park to the last set of traffic lights.
Imperial War Museum Park. Turn around. The end of the park.
Door in the Subway. First left and chuck a right to the shopping centre.
Newington Causeway. Walk straight forward, approximately 40 more steps to the bus stop.
Football pitch. Just a few paces away from Alfs house.
Subway exit. Walk to the small patch of strong light to get out of the subway.